TRAINEESHIP in Market Gardening at Forty Hall Farm
Location: Londo! n England
Description: Capel Manor College is at present recruited TRAINEESHIP in Market Gardening at Forty Hall Farm right now, this job will be placed in England. Further informations about this job opportunity kindly read the description below. This Traineeship Opportunity is UN-WAGED Work Experience as part of an entry to work course.
CMC is a beautiful 30 acre estate, first established in the late 13th century, provides a colourful and scented oasis surrounding a Georgian Manor House and Victorian Stables. Our Gardens and farm is open to the general public. CMC would like to offer young people aged 16 to 23 the opportunity to gain vaulable work experience along side staff members in the gardens of our estate.
The Traineeship p! rogramme provides qualifications, support and work experience.! This will run from a minimum of 11 weeks, up to a maximum of 6 months.
Week 1 - Trainees will attend off the job training workshops with CMC Training Monday to Friday, learning essential employment related skills.
Weeks 2 to 11 - Trainees will continue to spend 1 day per week training with CMC, but in addition to this will spend 2 days per week gaining real work experience within CMC's estate.
Work Experience and Training including:
As a Trainee, you will be part of the small Forty Hall Farm team and will be expected to help with all aspects of running the Farm’s market garden.
- Day-to-day duties such as digging, forking, hoeing, mulching and fertilising;
- Day-to-day maintenance of crops including treatment for pests, diseases and weed control;
- The seasonal planting of vegetables, salad crops, soft fruits and herbs, using planting plans and crop rotation plans;
- Helping the Grower and apprent! ices with the production and cultivation of new plants.
- Maintenance of footpaths, walkways and other areas within the market garden, including polytunnel maintenance;
- Helping with the running of a vegetable box delivery scheme, by helping to harvest, pack and distribute produce.
- Employability skills
- Maths
- English
- Job Specific Skills
- Level 1 Award in Practical Horticulture
1 Are you currently not in a job and have little or no relevant Work Experience
2 Are you aged 16-18 and qualified below Level 3 (2 A level’s) or 19 to 23 and not yet achieved a Level 2 (5 GCSE’s at grade C including maths and english)
3 Think you could be ready for employment or an apprenticeship within 6 months
Key Details
Vacancy Title
TRAINEESHIP in Market Gardening a! t Forty Hall Farm
Capel Manor College
Employer Description
We are a Further Education college based in Enfield. Our beautiful 30 acre estate, first established in the late 13th century, provides a colourful and scented oasis surrounding a Georgian Manor House and Victorian Stables. It offers a unique opportunity to see behind the scenes at Greater London’s only Specialist College for those interested in plants, animals and the environment. We employ apprentices in the gardens and at our nearby farm. The farm runs an organic vegetable box business.
Web Site /
Vacancy Location
Forty Hall Farm
Forty Hill
Working Week
19 hours, Mon-Fri days to be arranged.
Number of Vacancies
Vacancy Reference Number
Key Dates
Closing Date For Applications
03/01/2014 !
Interview Begin From
Possible Start Date
Training to be Provided
Training to be Provided
This Traineeship will provide valuable work experience with Capel Manor College in conjunction with ‘off the job training.
The traineeship programme will also include off the job training in employability skills and English and Maths.
Learning Provider
Capel Manor College
Learning Provider Description
Capel Manor College is the only Land Based college which is pan London. We have sites at Enfield, Regents Park, Gunnersbury and Crystal Palace. Capel Manor College apprenticeship schemes are the ideal way for employees to gain a nationally accredited qualification while they work. On the job apprentices over the age of 16 work along side their employer; the rest they learn from Capel Manor College on a day release basis, although there maybe ! some block release teaching. This means that apprentices are able to le! arn the practical and theoretical skills at college, which they put into practice at work. The college works closely with industry to ensure that the apprenticeship programme teaches the skills that are needed for the job. Apprentices can join the scheme at various times during the year. There is no specific entry requirement, but all candidates will be interviewed and some numeracy and literacy tests. We offer apprenticeships in the following areas: Trees and Timber Level 2 &3 Horticulture Level 2 & 3 Sports Turf Level 2 Apprenticeships for students aged 16-18 are free, but there is a charge to employers for apprentices 19+.
Contact Details
Employer Services:
Joy Pomfrett
Joella Hope
Abby Leader
Tel: 08456 122 122 ext 1160/1164/1307
Vacancy Type
Apprenticeship Framework
Expected Duration
Up to 6 months
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This gives you an indic! ation of the amount of time your training will last.
This gives you an indication of the amount of time your training will last.
Skills Required
- An interest in food growing and/or horticulture, and a desire to develop your knowledge;
- Interested in working in the land-based industries, particularly agriculture or horticulture;
- Enjoys working outside and willing to work hard in all weather;
- Good interpersonal skills and a willingness to work with different people;
- A desire to gain a knowledge of basic tools, equipment and their safe and proper use;
- Good at following instructions;
- To be polite, courteous, and punctual. Good at working in a team.
No formal qualifications required.
16-18 inclusive and qualified below Level 3
19-23 inclusive and qualified below full level 2
Personal Qualities
- Reliable
- Keen
- Sensible Attitude
- Flexible
- Motiv! ated to work
This is UNPAID work experience. This traineeship work experience is part of an education and training programme that is focused on giving young people the skills and experience that employers are looking for. At its core is work preparation training, English and maths for those who need it, and a high quality work experience placement.
19 hours, Mon-Fri days to be arranged. Work experience 2x7 hours and college 1x5 hours.
08:00-16:00 Mon- Wednesday
08:00-15:00 Thur-Fri
08:00-16:00 Mon- Thursday
08:00-16:00 Friday
You will be required to attend at least 14 hours work experience each week between Monday to Friday.
You will also attend 5 hours off the job learning on Wednesdays at Capel Manor College.
A small contribution each week (may) be paid to individuals dependant on their circumstance, this is ! to be agreed with the employer at their discretion’ This could be a bursary or an allowance given to them by the employer and/or learning provider.
Future Prospects
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Job prospects after completing this apprenticeship.
Job prospects after completing this apprenticeship.
After successful completion of the Traineeship course you will receive a certificate of completion and a letter of reference as a minimum to support future job applications and apprenticeship applications.
Also you will receive an interview for any suitable jobs/apprenticeships at Capel Manor College.
Reality Check
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For example the role may involve being on your feet for long hours or working outside.
For example the role may involve being on your feet for long hours or working outside.
This is UN-WAGED work experience.
Work experience involves long periods of working outside in all weathers! .
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If you were eligible to this job, please email us yo! ur resume, with salary requirements and a resume to Capel Manor College.
If you interested on this job just click on the Apply button, you will be redirected to the official website
This job starts available on: Sun, 08 Dec 2013 07:35:11 GMT
Apply TRAINEESHIP in Market Gardening at Forty Hall Farm Here