Apprentice Customer Service/Sales Assistant
Location: Bacup England
Description: ABM Trade UK Ltd is hiring Apprentice Customer Service/Sales Assistant right now, this vacancy will be placed in England. Detailed specification about this vacancy opportunity please give attention to these descriptions. Duties to include, phoning potential customers, develop and maintain relationships with customers, dealing with sale of products and managing accounts. Must hav! e Grades A-C in maths and English. Must be keen and willing to learn, punctual and reliable. Must want a career in sales and have a good understanding of microsoft packages.
The company may wish to interview applicants before the closing date, resulting in the vacancy being filled before given date.
Key Details
Vacancy Title
Apprentice Customer Service/Sales Assistant
ABM Trade UK Ltd
Vacancy Location
Pippin Bank
OL13 0BU
Working Week
40 hours per week.
Number of Vacancies
Vacancy Reference Number
Key Dates
Closing Date For Applications
Interview Begin From
Possible Start Date
Training to be Provided
Intermediate Level Apprenticeship in Customer Service,! work based learning
Learning Provider
North! Lancs Training Group Ltd
Learning Provider Description
North Lancs Training Group Ltd has been established for over 40 years and is one of the largest Training Providers in the country. We deliver apprenticeships to over 3,500 learners within 1,000+ companies throughout the North West of England and other areas of the UK. Qualifications include: • Apprenticeships in Business Administration, Customer Service, Team Leading, Management, IT, Hospitality and Catering, Food Manufacturing, Glass, Distribution and Warehousing, Joinery, Furniture (we have a Centre of Vocational Excellence) and Manufacturing. • No need for day release (except joinery). • Earn while you learn (starting on per hour). • Support available 24/7 by friendly and approachable staff. • English and Maths support. • Nationally recognised qualifications. • An employer who has met our strict health and safety standards. • Permanent employment from day one.
What learn! ers say they like about NLTG:
- “The trainers availability and approachabilityâ€
- “The good opportunities to develop a range of skills , including writing skillsâ€
- “The use of voice records to record portfolio evidence as it saves timeâ€
- “The support and help given which makes learners feel confident in their employment and helps them achieve their potentialâ€
- “The enjoyable and interesting learning sessionsâ€
- “The excellent resourcesâ€
For more information on any of our courses or programmes, contact North Lancs Training Group Ltd, Vocational Centre of Excellence, Old Bakery, Grange Lane, Accrington, BB5 2BU Tel: Recruitment Team on 01254 395355, email:
Vacancy Type
Intermediate Level Apprenticeship
Apprenticeship Framework
Customer Service (CFA)
This Learning Provider has achieved a sector succ! ess rate of 80% for this type of apprenticeship training.
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This success rate relates to the formal Overall measure that learning provider organisations are measured against. The success rate calculates the proportion of Apprenticeship frameworks that are successfully completed against the number that are enrolled upon.
This success rate relates to the formal Overall measure that learning provider organisations are measured against. The success rate calculates the proportion of Apprenticeship frameworks that are successfully completed against the number that are enrolled upon.
Expected Duration
12 - 18 months
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This gives you an indication of the amount of time your training will last.
This gives you an indication of the amount of time your training will last.
Skills Required
Must have good customer service and communication skills.
Qualifications Required
Must have GCSE grades A-C in maths and English or equivalent.
Personal! Qualities
Must be keen and willing to learn, punctual and reliable. Must want a career in sales and have a good understanding of microsoft packages.
Important Other Information
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:30pm.
1 hour lunch, 40 hours per week.
To check your travel to the company please use this website -
From the 1st October 2013 the National Minimum Wage (NMW) for Apprentices for young people aged 16-18 and those aged over 19 in the first year of their Apprenticeship is per hour.
The NMW applies to time working plus time spent training as this is also part of the Apprenticeship. Anyone not covered by the age category above will be entitled to the NMW appropriate to their age.
Future Prospects
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Job prospects after c! ompleting this apprenticeship.
Job prospects after completing ! this apprenticeship.
To continue in full time employment.
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If you were eligible to this vacancy, please email us your resume, with salary requirements and a resume to ABM Trade UK Ltd.
If you interested on this vacancy just click on the Apply button, you will be redirected to the official website
This vacancy starts available on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 23:51:06 GMT